Stop slacking and get back to work

First off, happy new year, I hope you've all had a restful time lately, it's been great, getting to put my feet up and take a break from computers for a few days.

Some of you may have noticed, my reviews of coffee shops have been a little thin on the ground of late. I haven't been slacking, however, as I have whole list of new reviews, instead I've decided to take a small hiatus until the new collaborative review site is finished. I've been told I can be quite negative and critical sometimes, if not downright nasty and as passionate as I am about coffee, that's not me. So while I work on the new site I'm also restructuring my reviews to be more informative and helpful. The end goal? A one-stop-shop where everything, from the espresso to the environment where it is served can be rated not only by me, but by the general public too. Need to know where you can get a 6oz cappuccino, a free wifi connection and is kid friendly? Well so do I, so when I find it, it'll be on the map :-) You get the idea.

I'm still wrestling with the idea to set the reviews site up as a separate website, so if anyone has any good ideas for a name, they'd be greatly appreciated and your genius will of course be credited. There really isn't any reason to limit something like this to Northern Ireland, so anyone with speciality coffee experience, in other regions, who would like to volunteer should look no further than the comments box below, or contact me on andrew [at]

Andrew Gribben @grib